A new decade of carbon markets and the opportunity of Article 6
To incentivise Parties to take on more ambitious commitments over time, a transparency framework requires countries to report on their progress in achieving these mitigation targets. In addition, Article 6 of the Paris Agreement promotes international cooperation to facilitate the implementation of NDCs and to allow for higher ambition in Parties’ mitigation and adaption actions. Increased cost efficiencies resulting from such cooperation opportunities could be one of the triggers to convince countries to pursue deeper cuts in emissions in the next rounds of NDCs.
The EBRD is one of the key funders of a research project initiated by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the University of Maryland (UMD) to assess the potential global economic impacts and investment needs of Article 6 under different policy and collaboration scenarios. The Bank also commissioned a report that evaluates the potential impact of trading under Article 6 across the EBRD region and its countries of operation, which includes Turkey. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact Article 6 collaboration can have on the cost efficiency of achieving the NDC goals of countries within this region and build on a quantification of investment needs under several alternative scenarios. Key findings from this study include:
While Turkey was not evaluated as a separate economic region, its regional block (besides Turkey including Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) offers a window of opportunity for cost-effective emission reductions in the period 2020 to 2030, during which regional abatement costs are simulated to be lower than the global average abatement cost. The observed relationship between this region’s average shadow prices and global shadow prices implies that under a full collaboration scenario, the region is initially incentivised to generate deeper emission cuts domestically.
Figure: Potential carbon market value per year until 2100 (Turkey results include broader region coloured in light blue)
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Source: Article 6 modelling report available here .